The 5 Best Lotus Biscoff Recipes

We adore Biscoff Recipes and have found ourselves looking for more and more delicious ways to add that crunchy little biscuit and the moreish Biscoff spread to different sweet treats.

Here are our 5 most fantastic Biscoff Recipes, good not only because they are mind-blowingly tasty but also because they are all so simple to make. The perfect combination, right?

Biscoff Recipe 1 – Easy No-Bake Lotus Biscoff Cheesecake

The Biscoff flavour reigns supreme in one of our favourite Biscoff recipes of all time! It’s hard to believe this no-bake cheesecake only needs 6 ingredients, 7 if you add a cheeky dash of vanilla.

The word decadent is often overused but it really is on point for this pud!

The ease of our tasty no-bake cheesecake recipe, which we’ve used time and time again (Cranachan Cheesecake, Mint Aero Cheesecake and Millionaires Cheesecake, to name but a few), is a real winner. Mixed with the delicious taste of the Biscoff spread and biscuits you can’t fail.

Lotus Biscoff Cheesecake Recipe

Fancy a slice?
Find our Biscoff Cheesecake Recipe Here

Biscoff Recipe 2 – Lotus Biscoff Blondies

This Biscoff recipe might be the king of all Blondies! Adding Biscoff to the wonderfully fudgy texture of a blondie is a match made in heaven.

Our recipe combines Biscoff’s caramel-like taste with the subtle vanilla flavour of the Blondie, which works delightfully, making this an all-but-perfect Biscoff recipe.

Biscoff Blondie

Fancy a Biscoff Blondie?
Find our Biscoff Blondie Recipe Here

Biscoff Recipe 3 – Lotus Biscoff Rocky Road

We won’t pretend our fantastic Biscoff Rocky Road is reinventing the wheel. In fact, it’s the opposite.
We keep it nice and straightforward, only introducing Biscoff to this tried and tested recipe to add a little something extra.

So on top of a beautiful mess of crunchy biscuits and soft marshmallows, we’ve added a tasty amount of Biscoff Biscuits and spread.

After all, if ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Just add Biscoff 😉

Fancy a Piece?
Find our lotus biscoff rocky road recipe here

Biscoff Recipe 4 – Lotus Biscoff Brownies

Now if our Biscoff Blondies sounded delicious, but you were just missing a hit of chocolate, then our Biscoff Brownies are sure to be the recipe for you.

Simply put our Biscoff Brownies are the perfect combination of decadent chocolate gooeyness and moreish Biscoff caramel. Don’t miss our trick to make sure there’s a taste of both in every bite.

There’s nothing left to say about these beautifully indulgent Biscoff brownies apart from make sure you give them a try!

Biscoff Brownies

Fancy a Biscoff Brownie?
Find Our Biscoff Brownie Recipe Here

Biscoff Recipe 5 – Biscoff Tiffin

Scottish Scran wouldn’t be able to stay true to its roots if we didn’t add something a little Scottish into the mix. Tiffin is a Scottish traybake made from crushed biscuits, butter, sugar, and raisins from around the early 1900s.

Why has Tiffin stayed so popular? Well, we think it’s down to taste and to simplicity, there’s no baking involved meaning it’s a perfect recipe for those new to the kitchen. We’re proud to have stuck to the traditional way of making Tiffin while giving it a wee Biscoffy twist!

Have some Time for Tiffin?
Find our Biscoff Cheesecake Recipe Here

If you’re looking for some more sweet treats that maybe don’t include Biscoff, we can certainly help!
Why not try some of these?

1 – Easy No-Bake Mint Aero Traybake Recipe

2 – No-Bake Malteser Traybake Recipe

3 – Empire Biscuit Recipe: Classic Scottish Double Biscuits

4 – Classic Jam and Coconut Sponge Cake Recipe

5 – Simple Almond Slice Recipe

Create your own Biscoff Recipe

If you’re as mad about Biscoff Recipes as we are, you’ll be keen to introduce it to as many foods as you can. Here are our suggestions to get you started.

Biscoff Waffles Recipe

As you’re cooking them, just before you serve them, smear a base layer of spread over your waffle and crush two biscuits over them. Works well with the addition of blueberries or strawberries.

If you’re making the waffles from scratch, you can add either crumbed Biscoff biscuits or spread to the mix before you cook them. Do this little by little so you don’t overwhelm the waffles taste.

Biscoff Pancakes/Crepes Recipe

This one is the easiest Biscoff recipe of the lot. Treat your biscoff spread like any other pancake or crepe filling, and apply to taste before you serve them!

Biscoff Cupcake Recipe

This is a Biscoff recipe we’ve meant to write up for a long time now. It works for whatever cupcake you decide to make, but we’d suggest keeping it plain, maybe a vanilla or a Victoria sponge cupcake.

Once cooked, allow them to cool fully.

When cooled, cut a small hole out of the cupcake with a sharp knife or cupcake corer, putting what you’ve removed to one side, in one piece ideally.

Add a generous amount of Biscoff spread to the hole. You can heat it lightly to make this easier.

Replace the removed piece of cupcake, pressing it back down gently, then cover with a Biscoff Buttercream.

We hope these recipes and our suggestions get you heading to the kitchen and reaching for the Biscoff!


Phil & Sonja

5 Fantastic Biscoff Recipes

These 5 simple but fantastic Biscoff recipes may be the only ones you'll ever need to satisfy even the biggest Biscoff addiction!

We love Biscoff biscuits and the spread in equal measure, so much so that we keep adding it to our recipes. We hope you enjoy making them as much as we've loved eating them.

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